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  • 外研社版新标准小学英语(一起)
资料名称: ☆外研社版新标准小学英语(一年级起始)第八册(四年级下册)MP3+中英对照LRC同步字幕☆
资料价格: 4.00元

★外研社版新标准小学英语(一起)第8册(四年级下册)学生用书MP3+中英对照LRC同步字幕    2003年11月第1版★


书    名:义务教育课程标准实验教科书 新标准英语(供一年级起始用)
作    者:陈琳  Printha Ellis(英)
出 版 社:外语教育与研究出版社

Module 1 Unit 1 Don't touch the machines, please!
Module 1 Unit 2 Don't feed the ducks!
Module 2 Unit 1 This computer is beautiful.
Module 2 Unit 2 It costs one thousand eight hundred yuan.
Module 3 Unit 1 He shouted,'Wolf,wolf!'
Module 3 Unit 2 She went into a shop.
Module 4 Unit 1 Dad played the erhu.
Module 4 Unit 2 I was very nervous.
Module 5 Unit 1 We're having a party.
Module 5 Unit 2 He's painting flowers.
Module 6 Unit 1 I'll draw the pictures.
Module 6 Unit 2 Let's have a classs party this Saturday!
Module 7 Unit 1 It's very hot.
Module 7 Unit 2 It's big and round.
Module 8 Unit 1 New York is in the east.
Module 8 Unit 2 The capital of America is Washington, D.C.
Module 9 Unit 1 Why do you like Australia?
Module 9 Unit 2 Kangaroos live in Australia.
Module 10 Unit 1 I'll send you a postcard.
Module 10 Unit 2 I'm going to go to London.
Review Module
Reading for Pleasure Cats and Dogs
Reading for Pleasure Kong Rong and Pears



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