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  • 河北冀教版小学英语(三起)
资料名称: ☆11版冀教版河北小学英语(三年级起始版)第3册(四年级第一学期)MP3+LRC同步字幕☆
资料价格: 5.00元

★河北版小学英语(三起)第3册(四年级第一学期)MP3+英文LRC同步字幕   2011年06月第4版★

书    名:义务教育课程标准实验教科书 小学英语(三年级起始版)
作    者:【中国】河北教育出版社
出 版 社:河北教育出版社

UNIT 1 Lessons 1-8 The Clothes We wear Lesson 1: Skirt and Pants
UNIT 1 Lessons 1-8 The Clothes We wear Lesson 2: New and Old
UNIT 1 Lessons 1-8 The Clothes We wear Lesson 3: Coat and Scarf
UNIT 1 Lessons 1-8 The Clothes We wear Lesson 4: Shoes and Socks
UNIT 1 Lessons 1-8 The Clothes We wear Lesson 5: Days of the Week
UNIT 1 Lessons 1-8 The Clothes We wear Lesson 6: Pyjamas
UNIT 1 Lessons 1-8 The Clothes We wear Lesson 7: Betty's Closet
UNIT 1 Lessons 1-8 The Clothes We wear Lesson 8: Again, Please!
UNIT 4 Lesson 25-32 Shopping in the City Lesson 25: Let's Go Shopping!
UNIT 4 Lesson 25-32 Shopping in the City Lesson 26: Department Store
UNIT 4 Lesson 25-32 Shopping in the City Lesson 27: Restaurant and Supermarket
UNIT 4 Lesson 25-32 Shopping in the City Lesson 28:Cashier and Clerk
UNIT 4 Lesson 25-32 Shopping in the City Lesson 29: Where Do They Work?
UNIT 4 Lesson 25-32 Shopping in the City Lesson 30: Months of the Year
UNIT 4 Lesson 25-32 Shopping in the City Lesson 31: Etta's Teddy Bear
UNIT 4 Lesson 25-32 Shopping in the City Lesson 32: Again, Please!



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