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  • 陕旅版小学英语(三起)
资料名称: ☆陕旅新版小学英语第七册(六年级第一学期)MP3+中英对照LRC同步字幕☆
资料价格: 5.00元

★陕旅新版小学英语(三起)第7册(六年级第一学期)MP3+中英对照LRC同步字幕   2002年08月第1版★


书    名:义务教育课程标准实验教科书 英语(新版)(PRIMAY SCHOOL ENGLISH)
出 版 社:陕西旅游出版社

Lesson 1 May I use the telephone?
Lesson 2 May I speak to Li Shan, please?
Lesson 3 Just a moment, please!
Lesson 4 Where are they?
Lesson 5 It's next to the office building
Lesson 6 My room is very nice
Lesson 7 Follow me, please!
Lesson 8 Turn right
Lesson 9 You'd better take a taxi
Lesson 10 I have a headache
Lesson 11 See a doctor
Lesson 12 We are going to see Tom
Lesson 13 What are you going to do tomorrow?
Lesson 14 Will he teach you next term?



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