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  • 教科版广州小学英语(三起)
资料名称: ☆最新版2014版教科版广州小学英语(三年级起点)六年级上册MP3+英文LRC同步字幕☆
资料价格: 6.00元

★教科版广州小学英语(三年级起点)六年级上册(课文+听力)MP3+英文LRC同步字幕     2014年07月第1版★

书    名:义务教育教科书 英语(三年级起点)
出 版 社:教育科学出版社

Module 1 Country life
Unit 1 What are those farmers doing?
Unit 2 A country life is a healthy life

Module 2 City life
Unit 3 Where are you from?
Unit 4 I like the city very much

Module 3 Health
Unit 5 What's the matter with you?
Unit 6 The secret to good health

Module 4 Past experiences
Unit 7 What did you do yesterday?
Unit 8 A trip to Hong Kong

Module 5 Changes
Unit 9  Was I a good girl back then?
Unit 10 Then and now

Module 6 Festivals
Unit 11 I like the Spring Festival best.
Unit 12 Christmas

Module 7 Let's look back



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