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  • 人教版三四年制初中英语
资料名称: ★人教版九年义务教育三四年制初级中学教科书 英语MP3+LRC同步字幕★
资料价格: 5.00元/册

★人教版三四年制初级中学教科书 英语 学生用书1A(初一上册)MP3+英文LRC同步字幕   版本不详     5元★
★人教版三四年制初级中学教科书 英语 学生用书1B(初一下册)MP3+英文LRC同步字幕   版本不详     5元★
★人教版三四年制初级中学教科书 英语 学生用书2A(初二上册)MP3+英文LRC同步字幕   版本不详     5元★
★人教版三四年制初级中学教科书 英语 学生用书2B(初二下册)MP3+英文LRC同步字幕   版本不详     5元★
★人教版三四年制初级中学教科书 英语 学生用书3 (初三全册)MP3+英文LRC同步字幕   版本不详     5元★
★人教版三四年制初级中学教科书 英语 学生用书4 (初四全册)MP3+英文LRC同步字幕   版本不详     5元★

书    名:九年义务教育三年制/四年制初级中学教科书 英语(Junior English for China Students' Book )
作    者:PEP(中国)人民教育出版社
出 版 社:人民教育出版社

初级中学教科书 英语 学生用书1A(初一上册)
UNIT 1 Hello! Nice to meet you!
UNIT 2 Can you spell it?
UNIT 3 Numbers in English
UNIT 4 What's this in English?
UNIT 5 How old is he?
UNIT 6 Is this your pencil-box?
UNIT 7 The new students
UNIT 8 Mainly revision
UNIT 9 Come and meet the family
UNIT 10 Where is it?
UNIT 11 What's in the teacher's room?
Unit 12 How many Kites there?
UNIT 13 What colour is it?
UNIT 14 Whose clothes are this?
Unit 15 What's the time,please?
Unit 16 Mainly revision

初级中学教科书 英语 学生用书1B(初一下册)
Unit 17 Could you help me,please?
UNIT 18 Put them away,please!
Unit 19 Food and drink
Unit 20 What's your favourite sport?
Unit 21 What are you doing?
Unit 22 Do you have an eraser?
Unit 23 Mainly revision
Unit 24 Where are you from?
Unit 25 What do you like?
Unit 26 People and work
Unit 27 What time do you get up?
Unit 28 How do you come to school?
Unit 29 Shopping
Unit 30 Mainly revision

初级中学教科书 英语 学生用书2A(初二上册)
Uint 1 Welcome back!
Unit 2 What are we going to do?
Unit 3 Autumn festivals?
Unit 4 On the farm
Unit 5 Shall we go to the zoo?
Unit 6 Find the right place!
Unit 7 Mainly revision
Unit 8 I was not here yesterday.
Unit 9 The memory robot
Unit 10: The Swedish rock band
Unit 11 Days,Months and Seasons
Unit 12 What's the weather like?
Unit 13 Come to the party
Unit 14 Mainly Revision

初级中学教科书 英语 学生用书2B(初二下册)
UNIT 15 What do people eat?
UNIT 16 What a good,kind girl!
UNIT 17 You must be more careful!
UNIT 18 Seeing the doctor
UNIT 19 A visit to an island
UNIT 20 Mainly revision
UNIT 21 She taught herself
UNIT 22 The sport meeting
UNIT 23 A famous person
UNIT 24 What were they doing?
UNIT 25 The accident
UNIT 26 Mainly revision

初级中学教科书 英语 学生用书3(初三全册)
UNIT 1 In the library
UNIT 2 Water sports
UNIT 3 Make our world more beautiful!
UNIT 4 Travel
UNIT 5 Have a good time !
UNIT 6 Mainly revision
UNIT 7 A man who never gave up
UNIT 8 Merry Christmas!
UNIT 9 What is it made of?
UNIT 10 When was it built?
UNIT 11 Planting trees
UNIT 12 Mainly revision
UNIT 13 The world's population
UNIT 14 Shopping
UNIT 15 A doctor for animals
UNIT 16 The football match
UNIT 17 The missing necklace
UNIT 18 Mainly revision

初级中学教科书 英语 学生用书4(初四全册)
UNIT 1 A teacher
UNIT 2 Travelling in Xinjiang
UNIT 3 The Great Lakes
UNIT 4 The dragons of Komodo
UNIT 5 Mainly revision
UNIT 6 It's a mystery
UNIT 7 Countries and languages
UNIT 8 Thanksgiving
UNIT 9 The skies of two cities
UNIT 10 Mainly revision
UNIT 11 The world
UNIT 12 Tom Sawyer
UNIT 13 Charity
UNIT 14 Collecting
UNIT 15 Murder on the train
UNIT 16 Mainly revision

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