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  GET SET-GO!(预备,跑!)
  • GET SET-GO!(预备,跑!)
资料名称: ★GET SET-GO!(预备,跑!)课本同步配套录音清晰MP3版★
资料价格: 5.00元/册

★GET SET-GO!(预备,跑!)学生用书第1册MP3   1996年2月   5元★
★GET SET-GO!(预备,跑!)学生用书第2册MP3   1996年2月   5元★

书    名:GET SET-GO! Pupil's Book
作    者:Cathy Lawday  Liz Driscoll
出 版 社:Oxford University Press

Book Description
This work contains a structural syllabus combined with child-centred activities.

Features a syllabus, which provides progression in the four skills. The emphasis on grammar and vocabulary acquisition is combined with opportunities for communicative tasks. Practice is provided by child-centred activities such as songs, rhymes, and games. This title contains illustrations and photographs providing visual explanations.

Get Set-Go! is a lively language course for children learning English for the first time.

* Get Set-Go! has a carefully graded syllabus which provides steady progression in all four skills. The lower levels emphasize speaking and listening but also lay a foundation for the more demanding comprehension and story-writing skills in later levels.
* Get Set-Go! is based around a variety of texts and activities, including entertaining stories, songs and games, which are all carefully matched to the interests of children.
* Get Set-Go! Workbooks reinforce the language learnt in the Pupil's Books and include special revision sections.
* Get Set-Go! Teacher's Books provide teachers with clear guidance and lots of extra ideas. They also include tests which record children's progess.
* Get Set-Go! is easy to use and fun to use!

Cathy Lawday started working in TEFL in 1976. She has taught in Sweden,Malaysia, and Britain. Cathy has been a full-time writer since 1989,and specialises in materials for young learners.


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