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  • 上海外教版LOOK新世纪少儿英语
资料名称: ☆上海外教版LOOK新世纪少儿英语第6册课本同步配套录音清晰MP3☆
资料价格: 4.00元

★LOOK新世纪少儿英语学生用书第6册MP3    2002年12月第1版★

书    名:LOOK新世纪少儿英语学生用书
作    者:戴炜栋 (Dai Weidong) (改编), L·G·亚历山大 (L.G.Alexander) (编者)
出 版 社:上海外语教育出版社

Lesson 1 I want to be a TV reporter……
Lesson 1 Guess what she said !2
Lesson 3 She said that
Lesson 4 I think that you'll like it.
Lesson 5 Dan wants to be an astronaut.
Lesson 6 We're not allowed to.
Lesson 7 We have to press this button.
Lesson 8 You don't have to.
Lesson 9 You didn't have to.
Lesson 10 Printing
Lesson 11 I should have truned it off.
Lesson 12 You shouldn't have done that!
Lesson 13 I might buy them.
Lesson 14 I might be $5.
Lesson 15 The jacket in the closet?
Lesson 30 Columbus's voyage



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