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  • 上海外教版LOOK新世纪少儿英语
资料名称: ☆上海外教版LOOK新世纪少儿英语第4册课本同步配套录音清晰MP3☆
资料价格: 4.00元

★LOOK新世纪少儿英语学生用书第4册MP3    2002年12月第1版★

书    名:LOOK新世纪少儿英语学生用书
作    者:戴炜栋 (Dai Weidong) (改编), L·G·亚历山大 (L.G.Alexander) (编者)
出 版 社:上海外语教育出版社

Lesson 1 Do you have a lucky number?
Lesson 2 They had some eggs.
Lesson 3 Mom and Katie had chicken.
Lesson 4 They arrived at five o'clock.
Lesson 5 The cars stopped,too!
Lesson 6 Everyone laughed.
Lesson 7 Grandpa had an idea.
Lesson 8 They went home on Friday.
Lesson 9 February 12th is tomorrow!
Lesson 10 Katie's diary: Dan woke up...
Lesson 11 Katie's diary: Mom got up...
Lesson 12 Katie's diary: Liz wrote a note.
Lesson 13 He bought some flowers.
Lesson 14 Katie's diary: He hit his head.
Lesson 15 The kite flew high.
Lesson 16 They worked hard.
Lesson 17 Have you been to school?
Lesson 18 Have you ever been to ...?
Lesson 19 We've already had...
Lesson 20 You've already ruined them!
Lesson 21 I've just cleaned the floor
Lesson 22 We've just seen a tiger?
Lesson 23 Has Dad reed it yet?
Lesson 24 We've already played a game
Lesson 25 I've been here since……
Lesson 26 It's been empty for months.
Lesson 27 Where have you been?
Lesson 28 We'll have a picnic!
Lesson 29 Will he jump?
Lesson 30 It's going to rain.



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