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  • 湘少版湖南小学英语(三起)
资料名称: ★湖南少儿版(湘少版)小学英语(三年级起始)课本同步配套录音MP3版★
资料价格: 3.00元/册

★湖南少儿版小学英语(三年级上册)学生用书MP3   2003年07月第1版   3元★
★湖南少儿版小学英语(三年级下册)学生用书MP3   2003年12月第1版   3元★
★湖南少儿版小学英语(四年级上册)学生用书MP3   2003年07月第1版   3元★
★湖南少儿版小学英语(四年级下册)学生用书MP3   2003年12月第1版   3元★
★湖南少儿版小学英语(五年级上册)学生用书MP3   2003年07月第1版   3元★
★湖南少儿版小学英语(五年级下册)学生用书MP3   2003年12月第1版   3元★
★湖南少儿版小学英语(六年级上册)学生用书MP3   2003年07月第1版   3元★
★湖南少儿版小学英语(六年级下册)学生用书MP3   2003年12月第1版   3元★

书    名:义务教育课程标准实验教科书 英语(Primary School English)(三年级起始)
出 版 社:湖南少年儿童出版社

    首先是Let's listen and say。这部分是一单元中最重要的基础部分,课文中的小朋友们在用英语互相交流。
    然后是Let's learn。这部分给出了一些新单词、词组和短句等。老师会帮助大家学会说这些词,并用刚学过的句子进行练习,进一步巩固。
    接着是Let's act。这部分设计了一些课堂活动。同学们可以按照课文中的范例,运用前面学到的表达方法进行交流,进一步巩固和提高用英语听、说、做、玩、演的技能。
    紧跟着是Let's read。同学们在这部分会读到发生在Tim和他的好朋友小恐龙Dino身上的许多生动、有趣的小故事。一开始故事很短,也很简单;随着你们学会的东西越来越多,故事也就越来越长。慢慢地,你们就能和英语阅读了。
    再下面是Let's listen, read and write。这部分重点是让同学们通过反复听读练习,学会拼写英语单词。英语与我们的汉语在发音、书写上都有许多不同,掌握发音规律、学会拼读单词对英语学习大有好处。这当中还有许多绕口令,可以帮助同学们感受并掌握用英语说话的正确语调、节奏等,从而学会讲一口自然、流畅的英语。在这部分的最后还有书写练习。
    最后,每个单元还专门设计了Let's have fun。在这里,同学们可以结合本单元的内容,唱一唱,说一说,玩一玩,做一做,动动脑筋,使英语学习成为一项快乐的学习活动。

Unit 1 Hello!
Unit 2 Who are you?
Unit 3 What's your name?
Unit 4 Are you Lingling?
Unit 5 Who's he?
Unit 6 This is my family.
Assessment Ⅰ
Unit 7 Is he a soldier?
Unit 8 What's he?
Unit 9 This is a nose.
Unit 10 Touch yout head.
Unit 11 It's a cow.
Unit 12 What's this?
Assessment Ⅱ
Unit 13 You're a lion.
Unit 14 A computer is your friend.

Unit 1 How are you?
Unit 2 What's your number?
Unit 3 How old are you?
Unit 4 What's the time?
Unit 5 How many pens are there?
Unit 6 What colour is this balloon?
Unit 7 This isn't my food.
Unit 8 Is this a mango?
Unit 9 I like a sunny day.
Unit 10 It's a cold day.
Unit 11 Look at the T-shirts.
Unit 12 I come to school by bus.
Unit 13 What shape is this?
Unit 14 Here's a jumper.

1 Nice to meet you.
2 What's that?
3 Look at that elephant.
4 Those are eggs.
5 I like biscuits.
6 Whose is this?
Assessment Ⅰ
7 We're soldiers.
8 This is my brother's painting.
9 This is our flat.
10 Where's the cat?
11 Your homework is good.
12 I can swim fast.
Assessment Ⅱ
13 Your plate is orange and grey.
14 What can you see?

Unit 1 Where's my new cap?
Unit 2 Can you write in English?
Unit 3 Are you making a kite?
Unit 4 Peter is writing.
Unit 5 What's Anne doing?
Unit 6 Where are you going?
Unit 7 Peter is happy today.
Unit 8 Spring is warm and nice.
Unit 9 I come from China.
Unit 10 How much is the apple?
Unit 11 I have a puppet.
Unit 12 Do you have a ticket?
Unit 13 I like my toy soldier.
Unit 14 Do you have any money?

1 I'd like a cold drink.
2 Do you want some rice?
3 Can I borrow a pencil?
4 Can I have a puppy?
5 Which one do you want?
6 I like sweets.
Assessment Ⅰ
7 Do you have any hobbies?
8 What time do you get up?
9 My father helps me.
10 What does that sign mean?
11 We are sorry.
12 The Spring Festival
Assessment Ⅱ
13 I brush my teeth every day.
14 What's the name of this place?

1 Draw a cat on the roof.
2 Don't put your feet on the seat.
3 There's a policeman near the post office.
4 Where were you, Mingming?
5 Who was first?
6 Was it in the wardrobe?
Assessment I
7 When's your birthday?
8 That's not mine!
9 Benny took my ball.
10 Where did you go?
11 What time did you see him?
12 I came by plane.
Assessment II
13 When is your country's National Day?
14 Peter made a kite with paper and bamboo.

1 The children are playing in the park.
2 Katie always gets up early.
3 Let's go to the Underwater World.
4 It's the Mid-Autumn Festival.
5 The children are playing noisily.
6 How tall are you?
Assessment Ⅰ
7 These horns are too big.
8 My singing is louder than yours.
9 What is Dongdong going to do?
10 Are you going to visit Anne?
11 When are we going to swim?
12 Christmas
Assessment Ⅱ
13 I'm as happy as a bird.
14 A Fairy Tale

1 You're good at drawing, Peter.
2 Anne wanted to skate.
3 Have you got enough money?
4 Our earth looks like this from space.
5 There are more shops in Picture One.
Assessment I
6 Some stories are more interesting than others.
7 The Most Interesting Stories
8 The Dragon Boat Festival
9 What can I do?
10 Tomorrow will be rainy.
Assessment II
General Revision



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