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  • Chatterbox
资料名称: ☆聊天学英语第3册(Chatterbox Student Book 3)课本同步配套录音MP3☆
资料价格: 4.00元

★聊天学英语3(Chatterbox Student Book 3)MP3   1994年01月第1版★

书    名:Chatterbox
作    者: Derek Strange
出 版 社:牛津大学出版社(Oxford University Press)

Following a graded syllabus that allows for recycling of language, this title includes a comic-strip adventure story, featuring ace detective Captain Shadow. Involving children in many activities, such as songs, rhymes, games, and puzzles, it aims to give them a thorough grounding in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Derek Strange has been an inspector of schools for the British Council in Britain for 9 years and a materials consultant for the British Council on various overseas projects in China, Bhutan, and Mozambique. Jackie Holderness has been involved in primary education for over 20 years. She has lived overseas for much of her life and has taught French and English as a foreign language. She currently works as a primary teacher trainer in Oxford, and regularly provides in-service training for teachers from all over the world.

Jackie Holderness has been involved in primary education for over 20 years. She has lived overseas for much of her life and has taught French and English as a foreign language. She currently works as a primary teacher trainer in Oxford, and regularly provides in-service training for teachers from all over the world.

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