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  • 大学英语阅读
资料名称: ☆大学英语阅读理解第一册清晰PDF文档☆
资料价格: 2.00元
书    名:大学英语阅读理解第一册
作    者:王镁
出 版 社:京理工大学出版社
Passage 1.The Gift of Language
Passage 2.The Thousand and One Nights
Passage 3.Earthquake&1
Passage 4.Hunters of Big Game
Passage 5.She Painted Her Memory(Ⅰ)
Passage 6.She Painted Her Memory(Ⅱ)
Passage 7.From the He art of a Stranger
Passage 8.Life in Denmark
Passage 9.First Aid
Passage 10.The Lady with the Lamp
Passage 11.Androcles and the Lion(Ⅰ)
Passage 12.Androcles and the Lion(Ⅱ)
Passage 13 The Floating Tomb
Passage 14.The Day the World Blew Up
Passage 15.Some Strange Joumeys
Passage 16.The Mustard Seed
Passage 17.Self-service and the Supermarket
Passage 18.Attitudes towards Work
Passage 19.Mass Media and Traditional Culture
Passage 20.Blue Is the Sky
Passage 21.“Wolf Ho!”
Passage 22.The Secretof Sleep
Passage 23.Climates of the World(Ⅰ)
Passage 24.Climates of the World(Ⅱ)
Passage 25.Man and the Killers
Passage 26 Killing Pain(Ⅰ)
Passage 27.Killing Pain(Ⅱ)
Passage 28.What's New
Passage 29.Watching TV(Ⅰ)
Passage 30.Watching TV(Ⅱ)
Passage 31.How Stanley Found Livingstone(Ⅰ)
Passage 32.How Stanley Found Livingstone(Ⅱ)
Passage 33.Soccer:The World Cup (Ⅰ)
Passage 34.Soccer:The
World Cup(Ⅱ)
Passage 35.Tennis(Ⅰ)
Passage 36.Tennis(Ⅱ)
Passage 37.Reading(Ⅰ)
Passage 38.Reading (Ⅱ)
Passage 39.A Televisi on Production
Passage 40.How Hurricanes Get Their Names


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