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  • 公共管理/公务员英语
资料名称: ☆MPA系列教材-公共管理专业英语清晰PDF文档☆
资料价格: 2.00元

书    名:MPA系列教材-公共管理专业英语
作    者:顾建光 王郁
出 版 社:上海人民出版社


UNIT ONE Public administration and management
1.1 the big questions of public management
1.2 the giving of orders
1.3 urban governance

UNIT TWO international economic institutions
2.1 international economic institutions(1)
2.2 international economic institutions(2)

UNIT THREE information technology and E-Government
3.1 broken windows and production targets
3.2 defensible space:a new physical planning tool for the urban revitalization
3.3 desktop technology in government
3.4 speciali sts are building walls to beat the hackers

UNIT FOUR Regional and urban development
4.1 the changing context of urban development
4.2 urban strategy of sustainable cities
4.3 urban infrastructure and services
4.4 confronting the urban environmental challenge
4.5 challenges and opportunities for enhancing agricultural growth and sustainability

UNIT FIVE Social security and community development
5.1 social risk management:A new conceptual Framework for social protection ,and beyond
5.2 strategies for improved social protection in asia:labor market policies
5.3 community development theory
5.4 characteristics of community development

UNIT SIX public health
6.1 the role of the hospital in a changing environment
6.2 improving the health and health care of older americans
6.3 sector strategy:health,nutrition,&population

UNIT SEVEN thchnology and education
7.1 today's technological transformations:Creating the network age(1)
7.2 today's technological transformations:Creating the network age(2)
7.3 education in a changing world



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