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  • 英语歌曲电影赏析
资料名称: ☆英文经典歌谣一起唱2C清晰PDF文档☆
资料价格: 4.00元

书    名:英文经典歌谣一起唱2C
作    者:小瓢虫文化事业有限公司制作
出 版 社:中国书籍出版社


table of contents
to parents and teachers
1 little boy blue
2 here is the beehive
3 rock a bye ,baby
4 little bo beep
5 who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?
6 three blind mice
7 little jack horner
8 you are my sunshine
9 john jacob jingleheimer schmidt
10 hey,diddle,diddle
11 hey,lolly,lolly
12 down by the station
13 five little monkeys
14 little cabin in the woods
15 i"ve been working on the railroad
16 the mulberry bush
1 little boy blue unscramble the words
2 here is the beehive put the pictures into the correct order
3 rock a bye ,baby color the words
4 little bo beep answer the questions
5 who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? get the thief
6 three blind mice what is the ending?
7 little jack horner what is maggie buying?
8 you are my sunshine unnecessary words
9 john jacob jingleheimer schmidt where is johm?
10 hey,diddle,diddle tick the things in the picture
11 hey,lolly,lolly make up your own song
12 down by the station where are you going?
13 five little monkeys answer the questions
14 little cabin in the woods what does the rabbit do?
15 i"ve been working on the railroad read the timetable
16 the mulberry bush what do you do every morning?




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